In Saturday’s (8/17) Independent Press (New Providence, N.J.), Barbara Rybolt writes, “Tuesday, July 30, was a memorable day for the New Jersey Intergenerational Orchestra. The orchestra performed before a full house on the Millennium Stage of the Kennedy Center, and members learned the orchestra was one of five finalists for the Eisner Award for Intergenerational Excellence. The other finalists are Bridge Meadows of Portland, Ore., Encore Fellowships Network of San Francisco, Calif., The Motion Picture and Television Fund’s Media Center of Los Angeles, Calif., and the Intergenerational School of Cleveland, Ohio. Being one of five finalists meant the orchestra received a $10,000 prize. Should it win in October, the orchestra will receive $150,000. … Judy Jacobson, publicist for the orchestra … noted that … ‘the knowledge flows both ways’ [in the orchestra], with older players teaching younger ones and vice versa…. The competition is sponsored by the Eisner Foundation, founded by Michael Eisner and his family in 1996. The Eisner Foundation exists to provide access and opportunity for children and the aging in Los Angeles County.… The New Jersey Intergenerational Orchestra is made up of musicians from 10 years old to more than 80 years old.”
Posted August 20, 2013