“Violist Jiawei Yan’s family in China had been under quarantine for months,” writes Christopher Arnott in Friday’s (4/3) Hartford Courant (CT). Yan, who lives in New York City, plays with the Hartford Symphony, her first professional orchestra job; during concert weeks, she stays in Hartford with Wesley and Chloe Horton, who volunteer to host Hartford Symphony performers. “New York was growing into the center of the world’s coronavirus outbreak. As the virus began to creep into Connecticut, the Hartford Symphony Orchestra canceled its March 12 Masterworks concert … just hours before dress rehearsal.… Most of the musicians were able to head home. ‘It was suggested, mainly by family [in China], that I stay where I was,’ Yan said. ‘My family has gone through this already.’ Her host family graciously welcomed her…. The couple has been attending Hartford Symphony concerts for more than 50 years…. [Yan] has become a part of the household… Yan has been giving private concerts, including Zoom sessions for the Hortons’ children and grandchildren and their families. She has also been posting short videos of herself playing, on her Facebook page…. Yan said….. ‘They’ve assured me I can stay as long as necessary.’ ”
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