“Firelands Symphony Orchestra has named Tricia Applegate as its new executive director,” reads an unsigned article in Wednesday’s (6/17) Morning Journal (Lorain, Ohio). “Applegate, who began her new position on June 10, has over 30 years of arts management experience, according to a news release…. Nike Mendenhall, board president of the Firelands Symphony Orchestra, said, … ‘I am confident and optimistic Tricia will dedicate herself to strengthening the symphony’s organizational and financial resources while expanding its commitment to the community through music programming, outreach and education.’ … Applegate is a strong advocate of arts education … Applegate’s first day with the Firelands Symphony Orchestra coincided with the devastating June 10 storm that ripped through the Sandusky State Theatre, the performance home of the Symphony. ‘I knew this community was special, but the outpouring support and love for the theater is inspiring,’ she said. ‘The Symphony board, staff, musicians and I are ready and willing to help rebuild this iconic jewel to bring another 90 years of live performances to Sandusky and North Central Ohio.’ … Applegate will succeed Laurie Korobkin, who left the position in December. Since Korobkin’s departure, Mendenhall, who has experience in arts management, and the staff have managed the operations.”
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