“Creative networking among central Ohio classical musicians led to the premiere of a new percussion concerto this weekend by the New Albany Symphony Orchestra,” writes Peter Tonguette in Thursday’s (3/18) Columbus Dispatch (OH). “In January 2019, Columbus Symphony associate violinist Heather Garner and percussion soloist Cameron Leach [were] chatting backstage…. Garner mentioned to Leach her interest in programming a percussion concerto at the community orchestra she runs [as executive director], the New Albany Symphony…. Leach recommended composer Adam Roberts, also a music professor at Kent State University…. Roberts, 40, was on board…. Leach successfully pitched the idea to both Garner and Columbus Symphony principal cellist Luis Biava, also the music director of the New Albany Symphony. ‘Within like 10 minutes, the piece was born,’ Leach said. With support from the Johnstone Fund for New Music, the New Albany Symphony will join Leach in performing Roberts’ Concerto for Percussion and Orchestra Saturday and Sunday … in New Albany.… Roberts composed the work on the assumption that the eventual work would be performed by an orchestra whose ranks would be thinned to allow for social distancing…. This weekend, the New Albany Symphony will field 42 musicians, about half of its normal size.”
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