“Composer/conductor John Adams is to be the music director for the 2021 Ojai Festival (June 10-13, 2021), the event’s official 75th anniversary and Adams’s second term as music director (his first was in 1993),” writes Susan Elliott in Wednesday’s (3/4) Musical America (subscription required). “He replaces the previously announced Mitsuko Uchida, who reports scheduling conflicts. Meanwhile, the festival’s Artistic Director designate Ara Guzelimian has stepped up to the plate early, since the originally appointed artistic director, Chad Smith, is now the CEO of the Los Angeles Philharmonic…. Concurrent with the Adams announcement, Guzelimian revealed that the American Modern Opera Company (AMOC), that hotbed of young creatives (Julia Wolfe, Matthew Aucoin … Zak Winokur, et. al), would serve as music director for 2022. Guzelimian described AMOC as ‘not exactly an opera company but a remarkable collective of composers, singers, stage directors, choreographers, dancers, and instrumentalists who are among the brightest and freshest artistic voices to emerge in the last few years.’ ”
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