On Wednesday (3/5), League President and CEO Jesse Rosen was interviewed by Kai Ryssdal, host and senior editor of Marketplace, American Public Media’s radio program on business and the economy. “Imagine for a minute you’re a CEO and your product isn’t anything you can touch, or hold in your hands, or easily put on your smartphone. It’s experiential in the truest sense of the word, users skew older, and forget free—your product isn’t cheap at all. What are you supposed to do in an economy like the one we’ve got now, in which a growing number of consumers want what they want, when they want it, and nothing more? Jesse Rosen deals with that problem every single day as the CEO of the League of American Orchestras.” Topics discussed include the role of arts leadership today, adaptation to cultural and financial challenges, and the shift away from the subscription model at orchestras, about which Rosen comments, “The subscription system is at odds with how people plan and organize their entertainment experiences today.… We’ve seen a move to a different type of subscription package called a ‘create your own.’ So you give up having the same seat all the time, but what you get is the flexibility of picking the concerts you want to go to at the times you want to go to them.”
Posted March 7, 2014