“A day after taking ownership of the Plaza Live, the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra unveiled an ambitious plan Wednesday for major renovations of the iconic theater it will call home,” writes Matthew Palm in Wednesday’s (8/7) Orlando Sentinel. “The Philharmonic paid $3.4 million for the Plaza, which hosts a variety of touring rock- and pop-music shows in the Milk District near downtown Orlando. It plans to raise an additional $2.6 million for improvements to just about every aspect of the 50-year-old building, said David Schillhammer, the Philharmonic’s executive director.… The Phil plans to retain the towerlike Space Age sign, designated a city landmark, and the Plaza name.” The orchestra has been performing in rented space at Lowndes Shakespeare Center in Loch Haven Park; the move to the Plaza is scheduled for September 2014. “The Plaza Live will house the orchestra’s smaller chamber-music series, along with touring acts.… The Phil’s major concerts still will be performed at the Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre. ‘We fully intend to make this a venue for music of all types,’ Schillhammer said. ‘Every ticket sold goes to the bottom line of the Philharmonic.’ … The current staff, which handles the touring rock acts, will remain.”
Posted August 8, 2013