“Diane Earle considers her piano performances at the Owensboro Health Regional Hospital as part of the Owensboro Symphony Orchestra’s Music On Call program that takes place throughout the month of December to be somewhat of a ministry,” writes Bobbie Hayse in Monday’s (12/2) Messenger-Inquirer (Owensboro, KY). “ ‘Music just takes whatever you’re feeling and amplifies it,’ she said…. ‘I think that’s the beauty of it.’ Earle has been performing with the Music On Call community engagement program for many years. This year she will perform at least 90 hours, she said. Joining her on Sunday was fellow Owensboro Symphony Orchestra member, violinist Lacy Jean…. Jean said Music On Call … caters to those who are coming and going throughout the hospital, or in waiting rooms nearby…. ‘It’s the perfect spot,’ she said…. This is the fifth year of the program, according to Symphony deputy CEO Gwyn Payne, who also said that the OSO is ‘excited about this collaboration,’ and that it ‘continues to grow.’ … Jeremy Stephens, Symphony director of operations, even has memories of Earle performing in the hospital lobby from when his baby was born…. ‘There are lots of parents who have memories like that,’ Stephens said.”
Posted December 5, 2019
In photo: Owensboro Symphony Orchestra musicians Diane Earle, seated, and Lacy Jean perform as part of the symphony’s Music On Call program at the Owensboro Health Regional Hospital. Photo by Bobbie Hayse/Messenger-Inquirer