“The Owensboro Symphony Orchestra and Cape Air are partnering to fill seats,” writes Bobbie Hayse in Tuesday’s (8/4) Owensboro Messenger-Inquirer (Kentucky; subscription required). “Cape Air’s Cardinal Home-Run Getaway will fly an OSO subscriber and a guest roundtrip from Owensboro to St. Louis to watch the Cardinals take on the Miami Marlins on Aug. 15…. ‘This is a perk for our subscribers,’ said chief executive officer Dan Griffith…. All who have either renewed their season tickets or become new season subscribers to the OSO before this announcement will automatically be entered to win. The winner will watch the game from the Bank of America Club … and get a one-night stay at the Hilton Ballpark Hotel and limo service to and from the airport.” The article notes that the offer is part of an effort to preserve air service at Owensboro-Daviess County Airport. “Cape Air must average 653 flights out of Owensboro monthly through September to continue receiving the federal Essential Air contract program … set in place to connect communities such as Owensboro to national air networks.” Owensboro-Daviess County Airport Director Bob Whitmer says the promotion “helps the symphony, Cape Air and the Owensboro-Daviess County and the St. Louis Airport. ‘It’s not just a fundraiser for one organization, it helps everyone.’ ”
Posted August 5, 2015