“The Paducah Symphony Orchestra has officially kicked off a campaign, in order to raise funds to cover start-up costs for its new music academy at the former Walter C. Jetton Junior High School campus,” writes Kelly Farrell in Saturday’s (11/22) Paducah Sun (KY). “ ‘All of this launch campaign money will be used specifically to impact the education that will be provided at the academy, because this is all going to be things like pianos and music stands and chairs …’ [said] PSO Executive Director Reece King … The campaign launched this month, but the symphony already has $515,000 pledged from donors—much of which was pledged before the campaign kickoff. The goal is to have $600,000 for start-up equipment by the end of 2022, as the symphony prepares to open the academy in 2023…. With the academy, the symphony wants to ‘fill the gap’ and offer lessons for orchestral instruments at below-market rates…. Lindsey Williams, director of bands and strings for Paducah Middle School, said, … ‘It’s been quite a few years since we’ve had any official woodwind and brass instrument lessons available in town …’ noting the academy will open … many doors for students to get one-on-one instruction.”