“The Paducah Symphony Orchestra’s annual Christmas concert has become a family and holiday tradition,” reads an unsigned article in Thursday’s (11/19) Metropolis Planet (Metropolis, Illinois). “That tradition will continue as the Paducah Symphony Orchestra once again graces the Carson Center stage on Saturday, Dec. 12. But this year’s Christmas performance will be very different from years past. There will be two performance times of 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. with each lasting one hour. There will not be an intermission. The evening will feature about half, or 40 members, of the orchestra to allow their social distance. They will perform a Boston Pops-type concert without choral performers. This event will follow all COVID-19 safety protocols put in place by the Carson Center, including temperature checks, masking and social distancing throughout the event. Due to social distancing, seating is limited for each show to around 300 people…. If you wish to sit with friends or family, you must purchase your tickets on the same transaction. Separate transactions will be seated in separate pods 6 feet apart…. Everyone will be required to wear a mask when not seated. Masks are requested while seated.”
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