The Philly Pops presented a holiday concert in Verizon Hall at the Kimmel Center in December 2021. Photo by Tom Gralish/Philadelphia Inquirer.
“The Philly Pops has filed an antitrust lawsuit against the Philadelphia Orchestra and Kimmel Center, Inc. alleging that POKC is trying to put the Pops out of business,” writes Peter Dobrin in Thursday’s (4/13) Philadelphia Inquirer (login may be required). “The suit, filed Thursday in U.S. District Court for Eastern Pennsylvania, claims that the orchestra, since merging with the Kimmel Center, has engaged in ‘unlawful, anticompetitive and predatory conduct’ to ‘eliminate the Philly Pops as a competitor in and monopolize the market for live symphonic popular concert music’ in the Greater Philadelphia area. The suit seeks $2.5 million in damages plus other costs—damages that, if awarded, would be tripled, according to statutes. A POKC [Philadelphia Orchestra/Kimmel Center] spokesperson said … ‘As the complaint has yet to be formally served, we will reserve comment until then and once it has been reviewed with counsel.’ The lawsuit also asks the court to order POKC to allow the Philly Pops back in Verizon Hall. The group was evicted in January from its longtime home in the Kimmel Center in a dispute with Kimmel management over past-due rent and other debts.”