Tuesday (1/19) on the Portland Press Herald online (Maine), Bob Keyes reports, “The Portland Symphony Orchestra has announced a partnership with Maine-based Konbit Sante Cap-Haitien Health Partnership to raise funds for disaster relief in Haiti, and provide a place for the Portland community to come together and experience the healing power of music. The PSO will open its rehearsal at 10 a.m. Sunday to the public and accept donations at the door. Donations will also be collected at the 2:30 p.m. concert. Both the rehearsal and concert will be at Merrill Auditorium. Donations will benefit Konbit Sante’s Earthquake Response Fund. Konbit Sante is a nonprofit that has a partnership with the Haitian Ministry of Health to build capacity of the public health system in northern Haiti. More information about Konbit Sante will be available in the lobby of Merrill Auditorium or at www.healthyhaiti.org.”
Posted January 20, 2010