In Sunday’s (4/14) Portsmouth Daily Times (Ohio), Wayne Allen writes, “The Portsmouth Symphony Orchestra will soon become the Portsmouth Wind Symphony with the conclusion of the Tuesday, April 16 Portsmouth Symphony Orchestra Spring Classic Concert at the Vern Riffe Center For the Arts. ‘We are transitioning because it’s been difficult to find string players. We’ve really gone everywhere in search and the consensus of the board was that beginning on July 4, the emphasis of the music would be on wind instruments,’ said, Dr. Carl Daehler, PSO director. … ‘So many people learn wind instruments in high school band. So, we started thinking about putting the two together and realized that we had a problem (in finding stringed instrument players) and in that problem we had a unique opportunity to attract a lot of people who may not otherwise join an orchestra,’ Daehler said. … Daehler said with the Portsmouth Wind Symphony there will be a new sound. … ‘We will be holding auditions for new members prior to the July 4 concert. That will be the first concert of the Portsmouth Wind Symphony. We will continue to do three or four concerts a year as well as all of the educational activities,’ Daehler said.”
Posted April 16, 2013