Registration is open for the League of American Orchestras’ 2021 Midwinter Managers Meeting, to take place online Thursday and Friday, January 21-22, 2021. With inspiring speakers and presentations, the meeting will explore what roles orchestras can play in a changing world—and how this can be a source of positive organizational momentum. As orchestras re-examine their business models, values, and practices, the meeting will consider how to integrate financial strategy with the commitment to the artists and art form. The Midwinter Managers Meeting will also explore the needs of communities and how orchestras can be ambassadors of equity, diversity, and inclusion—internally and externally. A virtual exhibit hall will provide a place to meet artist managers, consultants, and industry leaders. The League’s 2021 Midwinter Managers Meeting, January 21-22, is a once-a-year opportunity to network with peers and to strengthen your own resilience and support for leading your orchestra. It is open to League-member executive directors and youth orchestra administrators. Register early and save 33%.
In addition, on Monday, January 25, a Midwinter Seminar, open to all staff at League member-orchestras, will focus on avoiding burnout and developing a culture of sustainable peak performance.
Learn more and register for the 2021 Midwinter Managers Meeting. Contact Member Services at with questions.