In Richmond, Virginia, band and orchestra teacher Justin Brown “was working at six schools last year and [would] have to ‘beg and steal’ from all of the schools in order to get enough instruments to have one class,” writes Holly Prestidge in Wednesday’s (5/3) Richmond Times-Dispatch (Virginia). “This year, there’s a bevy of shiny new instruments at his disposal at each of his schools…. The monetary and musical infusion for Richmond’s music programs came from proceeds from last year’s RVA East End Festival, a grass-roots music festival that came to life after the Richmond Symphony purchased its ‘big tent,’ a state-of-the-art mobile amphitheater. The symphony and its big tent return to Chimborazo Park for the second RVA East End Festival on Friday, May 5, and Saturday, May 6…. The festival raised $100,000 last year…. The symphony’s portable amphitheater was seen as a catalyst to forming community partnerships across the region, said Scott Dodson, the symphony’s director of advancement and patron communications. The symphony plans to use it in parks and other venues across Richmond. ‘We’re always looking at ways of reaching new audiences,’ he said, ‘and connecting much deeper with the community.’ ”
Posted May 5, 2017