“Robert Moody said Tuesday that he will step down as music director of the Winston-Salem Symphony in May 2018,” writes Lynn Felder in Tuesday’s (1/10) Winston-Salem Journal (N.C.). “Moody is leaving to focus on his work with the Memphis Symphony, where he became principal conductor in September.” He has led the Winston-Salem Symphony since 2005. A nineteen-member search committee “will hold its first meeting this month. Board members Malcolm Brown, who chaired the search committee that hired Moody, and James Dossinger, who also served on that committee, will lead the search for Moody’s replacement.” The music director position “will be posted in the spring with applications due in early summer. The applicant pool will most likely be reduced…to five finalists and one alternate by the end of the year. During the 2018-19 season, each finalist will conduct at least one Classics concert weekend, between September 2018 and the spring of 2019.” Moody “said that he plans to maintain his home in Cornelius [N.C] on Lake Norman, commuting to Memphis.” He will step down as music director of Maine’s Portland Symphony Orchestra at the end of 2017-18 season but continue as artistic director of Arizona Musicfest, which takes place in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Posted January 12, 2017