A Sunday (4/26) item in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution states, “Ask Robert Spano about his reading life and the floodgates open. The Atlanta Symphony Orchestra’s music director talked recently with AJC staffer Tom Sabulis about what, when and how he reads.” Says Spano, “I’m always reading about nine things, because I am skipping around, a chapter here and a page there. These days I’m reading ‘The Rest Is Noise,’ which is Alex Ross’ book. It’s terrific. And I’m reading a book called ‘Temperament,’ which is a history of tuning in western music as it changed over time. … Somebody was talking about time-space continuum the other day, and I was remembering the line, ‘Billy Pilgrim had become unstuck in time.’ And I hadn’t read ‘Slaughterhouse Five’ [by Kurt Vonnegut] since I was in high school. Somehow that phrase stuck in my head, so I’m rereading ‘Slaughterhouse Five.’ … I’m also reading ‘The Yoga of Time Travel,’ which is by a physicist named [Fred] Alan Wolf.” Noise does not apparently bother Spano: “I’ll read with the TV on. I’ll read in waiting rooms and airport terminals. I’ll read anywhere. It’s a nice way for me to tune out the world.”
Posted April 27, 2009