In Tuesday’s (4/28) Post-Bulletin (Rochester, Minnesota), Tom Weber reports that “Tony Sertich, executive director of the Rochester Symphony Orchestra & Chorale, was dismissed Monday. Sertich, who has been with the orchestra since January 2006, said he was surprised by the move. ‘I think they made up their minds I had to go and that was it,’ Sertich said Tuesday. ‘Certainly the orchestra is in tough shape. But I don’t think it’s a budget-cutting thing.’ Chris Jankowski, president of the RSOC board of directors, said the decision was made at the April meeting of the board. ‘Tony brought a lot to the organization and was particularly effective with our education activities and in terms of improving our operation,’ Jankowski said. … The orchestra recently announced that the 2009-2010 season has been reduced to five concerts from the usual seven concerts as a cost-cutting move. Office staff was also reduced. … In a prepared statement, Jankowski said the orchestra ‘will be moving forward in a positive way, seeking to explore new models for staffing and leadership, potential collaborations and expense restructuring.’ ”
Posted April 29, 2009