“Composers Christopher Cerrone and Nina C. Young have been named recipients of the 2015-2016 Rome Prize,” reads an unsigned Monday (4/20) NewMusicBox article. “They—along with 29 other artists and scholars in the fields of ancient studies, architecture, design, historic preservation and conservation, landscape architecture, literature, medieval studies, modern Italian studies, renaissance and early modern studies, and visual arts—will be provided with a fellowship that includes a stipend, a study or studio, and room and board for a period of six months to two years in Rome. The winners are selected by independent juries through a national competition process, and approximately thirty individuals working in the arts and humanities are invited to Rome to expand their own professional, artistic, or scholarly pursuits, while drawing on their colleagues’ knowledge and experience and on the resources that Italy, Europe, and the academy have to offer.” Young’s works for large ensemble include Fata Morgana, Traced Upon Cinders, and Agnosco Veteris (the latter to be premiered in July 2015 by the Aspen Philharmonic Orchestra). Cerrone’s opera Invisible Cities was a finalist for the 2014 Pulitzer Prize; his orchestral works include High Windows and Still Life with Violin and Orchestra.
Posted April 22, 2015