“The head of marketing for the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and the manager who oversaw the redevelopment of Union Station will join the Kennedy Center next month, the newest of six senior executives hired since President Deborah Rutter took over in September,” reports Peggy McGlone in Friday’s (4/10) Washington Post. “Eileen Andrews, former vice president of marketing and communications in Baltimore, becomes vice president of public relations. Tom Whitaker fills the new position of project manager for the arts center’s expansion, the already-delayed $100 million project that broke ground in December. The six join the 12 executives from former president Michael Kaiser’s tenure. They oversee a staff of 1,500…. Rutter has reorganized the administration. Andrews, for example, is vice president of public relations. Her predecessor, John Dow, who announced his resignation last fall, was vice president of press. ‘It’s about a broader spectrum of storytelling and communications that extends beyond the media,’ she said.… Senior Vice President for Operations Ellery Brown arrived last month.… Brown served as vice president of operations at the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts in Orlando, Fla.… One more high-level position, senior vice president of artistic planning, remains open.”
Posted April 13, 2015
Pictured: Kennedy Center vice president of public relations Eileen Andrews (left) and Tom Whitaker, project manager of the Kennedy Center’s expansion project. Photo courtesy of the Kennedy Center