In Thursday’s (5/2) San Antonio Express-News (Texas), David Hendricks writes, “Local businessman and fundraising consultant Jack Downey, a retired U.S. Air Force officer, has been named president and CEO of the San Antonio Symphony, effectively immediately, the organization announced Wednesday. Downey replaces the previous symphony head, Jack Fishman, who departed suddenly last November … ‘Jack (Downey) is a proven leader with a long record of service in our community,’ symphony board President Dennert Ware said. … The 72-member symphony plans to move to the Tobin Center [for the Performing Arts], now under construction, in September 2014. Ware said the six-member search committee, made up of four board members and two musicians, were mainly concerned about shoring up the business expertise in the front office, feeling the organization was in good condition with its musical leadership. … David Filner, who served as the symphony’s interim CEO for five months, will resume his previous duties involving artistic administration as a senior executive, Ware said. … ‘Strong business leadership is the backbone of a thriving orchestra and makes great concerts possible,’ said Sebastian Lang-Lessing, the symphony’s music director. ‘It’s an exciting new era for the performing arts in San Antonio.’ ”
Posted May 2, 2013