California’s Santa Barbara Symphony has announced that it will perform seven programs during its 2010-11 season, beginning on October 16 with Music and Artistic Director Nir Kabaretti leading Beethoven’s Consecration of the House Overture and Ninth Symphony, featuring the Santa Barbara Choral Society, Westmont College Choir, and Santa Barbara Quire of Voyces. Featured repertoire during the season’s other six other programs will include Copland’s Appalachian Spring Suite, in collaboration with the Santa Barbara-based State Street Ballet; Johan Svendsen’s Symphony No. 1, Grieg’s Holberg Suite, and Shostakovich’s Concerto No. 1 for Piano, Trumpet, and Strings, with pianist Natasha Kislenko and trumpeter Jon Lewis, guest conducted by Arild Remmereit of Norway; the world premiere of the Concertino for Violin by Santa Barbara composer Robin Frost, featuring Gilles Apap, former Santa Barbara Symphony concertmaster; and Avner Dorman’s Piano Concerto No. 2 (“Lost Souls”), with pianist Alon Goldstein.
Posted April 9, 2010