In Sunday’s (9/8) Sarasota Herald Tribune (Florida), Susan Rife writes, “Artist Series Concerts of Sarasota, which typically brings dozens of out-of-town performers, mostly classical musicians, to Sarasota, will for the second year launch the season by focusing more locally. Nineteen music, theater and dance organizations will offer a sneak peek of the upcoming season at two different concerts Sept. 15 at the Sarasota Opera House…. This year’s two concerts will each feature 10 performing arts acts, headlined and emceed by Broadway and cabaret star KT Sullivan. Banyan Theater, Belle Canto, Circus Sarasota, Florida Studio Theatre, Fuzion Dance Artists, Gloria Musicae, Guitar Sarasota, the Jazz Club of Sarasota, past and present members of Jazz Juvenocracy, Key Chorale, La Musica, Players Theatre, Sarasota Concert Association, the youth chorus of the Sarasota Opera, the Sarasota Orchestra’s String Quartet, Sarasota Pops Orchestra, Sarasota Young Voices and Westcoast Black Theatre Troupe will perform…. Each organization will have a 12-minute time slot to offer a snippet or excerpt of an upcoming performance.… The concerts also provide audiences who may not be familiar with the opera house a chance to venture inside. ‘It’s a beautiful venue that I suspicion a lot of people may not have been in,’ said [Artist Series Executive Director John] Fischer.”
Posted September 10, 2013