“The 1967 ‘Summer of Love’ was a famous and significant early peak in rock history,” writes Jack Walton in Thursday’s (6/15) South Bend Tribune (Indiana). “Now, with 1967 a full 50 years gone, the Southwest Michigan Symphony Orchestra explores the era’s songs and sounds with orchestral accompaniment. Vocalist Cathy Richardson and violinist Anne Harris are the featured soloists for the SMSO’s ‘The Psychedelic Orchestra’ concert Saturday … In 2008, Richardson took over the role of lead vocalist in Jefferson Starship, and she has been singing Grace Slick’s parts with the band ever since. Material from Jefferson Airplane is included in Saturday’s concert.… There’s also material from Janis Joplin and Big Brother and the Holding Company…. SMSO musical director Robin Fountain … says, … ‘This music isn’t complicated in the way that Bruckner symphonies are…. However, performing it well in a way that’s stylistically appropriate is just as difficult and just as important as it is when performing Bach in a style-appropriate way.’ … In places where the original recording featured a guitar solo, Harris will provide the solo from her amplified violin instead.” Says Harris, “I get to do the Jimi Hendrix solo on ‘Hey Joe.’ ”
Posted June 15, 2017