In Wednesday’s (10/20) New York Times, Daniel J. Wakin writes, “Spring for Music, a fledgling orchestra festival at Carnegie Hall devoted to innovative programming, said on Tuesday that it would allow people to create and vote on fantasy programs on its Web site, although no orchestra will actually play the works. (The winner receives a radio interview.) In addition, the public will be able to comment on programs submitted by orchestras competing for the 2013 festival until Nov. 19, although orchestras can take or leave the suggestions. The programs will be provided without mentioning the orchestras involved. The festival, which is presenting concerts by seven North American orchestras in its first outing, from May 6 to May 14, 2011, is starting a new Web site ( on Wednesday, where users can also sign up for priority access to tickets. The site will provide a drip-drip of information ‘to generate excitement,’ in the words of a festival spokeswoman. The programs for 2011 and 2012 will not be posted until February, along with the orchestras and programs selected for 2013.”

Posted October 20, 2010