In Sunday’s (5/5) Pioneer Press (St. Paul, Minnesota), Ross Raihala writes, “With the lockout over, the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra is getting ready to make music again. For ticket office manager Kate Roarty, that means the return of a familiar tune. ‘It’s been really nice hearing the phones ringing again,’ she said. ‘We are a lot busier, that’s for sure.’ It has been a long, frustrating road to get to this week. Rehearsals begin Tuesday, May 7, with the first official SPCO performance in more than six months scheduled Thursday. An additional 22 concerts are booked through June 15. But the impending return to the stage hasn’t healed all wounds. ‘Of course, this is what we’ve been working for,’ said cellist Sarah Lewis. ‘The goal was to get back to work. But there are still many (hurt) feelings. It’ll be rough.’ … So far, it looks like the SPCO’s audience is ready and waiting with open arms and ears after watching half a year’s worth of concerts get canceled. … Capacity crowds are expected for many of this season’s performances, which take place in numerous venues, ranging in capacity from 500 to nearly 2,000. … In the coming weeks, the orchestra will play for more than 5,000 St. Paul and Minneapolis elementary school students, in a dozen different schools. In addition, a series of Saturday-morning free family concerts resume May 25.”
Posted May 5, 2013