“Dwayne Wolf has a day job, and a demanding one at that. But on Wednesday nights, at orchestra rehearsal, it’s all about that double bass,” writes Kyrie O’Connor in Thuersday’s (2/26) Houston Chronicle. “Wolf … deputy chief medical examiner for Harris County—plays the instrument in the Texas Medical Center Orchestra, which is about 75 percent medical professionals of one stripe or another and celebrates its 15th anniversary with a concert Sunday. Wolf, who has played guitar most of his life and took up the double bass when he was a student at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, loves the discipline and escape the orchestra provides. … The engine that keeps the orchestra moving is Russian-born Libi Lebel, 41 years old and the founder, music director and conductor. Armed with two degrees in conducting from Juilliard, she arrived in Houston in 2000 familiar with the idea of doctors’ orchestra. (A number of cities have them, including Boston and Philadelphia.) … Soon she had medical and dental students, nurses, doctors, dentists, researchers, staff members and more, now numbering between 60 and 70 musicians.”
Posted February 27, 2015