“The Springfield Symphony Orchestra announced recently that Executive Director Audrey J. Szychulski will resign her post with the orchestra to accept the position of director of development with the Colorado Springs Philharmonic,” reads an unsigned article in Thursday’s (1/15) Reminder (Springfield, Mass.) “Her departure will be effective March 3. The Springfield Symphony will immediately initiate a search process for both a new executive director and a development director—two roles that Szychulski performed during the last year…. SSO President John Chandler said, ‘She was especially successful in strengthening our sponsor relationships and improving the business planning of the orchestra. We are fortunate to be able to navigate this transition with a strong staff, a deeply committed board, and a vibrant base of fans, sponsors, and contributors…. We are certainly grateful for the fact that the symphony is well positioned to continue to expand our audience base—in no small part due to the quality and professionalism of both our musicians and Maestro Kevin Rhodes.’ According to Chandler, the orchestra will continue to operate under an interim director as the board of trustees begins a nationwide search for the two vacant positions.”
Posted January 20, 2015