In Lenox, Massachusetts, the Tanglewood grounds and Koussevitzky Music Shed, where the Boston Symphony Orchestra plans to perform this summer. Photo: Boston Symphony Orchestra
“The Boston Symphony Orchestra announced Friday that live music will return to Tanglewood this summer,” writes Malcolm Gay in Friday’s (3/19) Boston Globe. “The abbreviated six-week season, running July 9 through August 16, will include roughly half the festivities normally on offer at the BSO’s summer home in the Berkshires. Full details will be announced … Music Director Andris Nelsons has committed to eight performances, and the season will include a BSO concert series, performances by the Boston Pops, numerous guest artists, recitals, and chamber music with fellows from the Tanglewood Music Center…. Masks will be mandatory. Concerts will be limited to no more than 80 minutes. There will be no intermissions. All performances will take place in the open-air Koussevitzky Music Shed, and there will be audience capacity restrictions…. Safety protocols will include a new contactless digital ticketing system, enhanced air filtration and ventilation, deep cleaning, and, when necessary, testing and monitoring musicians…. Outgoing BSO president and CEO Mark Volpe Volpe said the symphony … would remain flexible as the public health advisories evolve … ‘It’s a dynamic situation,’ said Volpe, whose successor, Gail Samuel, starts on June 21. ‘The good news for us is we have an outside venue.’ ”