“The Tucson Symphony Orchestra is calling its concert on Friday, March 24, a bash and for good reason,” writes Cathalena E. Burch in Wednesday’s (3/22) Arizona Daily Star. “When you cram six grand pianos and seven amazing pianists on one stage—with a full orchestra behind them—well, that’s a ‘Piano Bash.’ … TSO Principal Pianist Paula Fan, in her 30-plus years with the orchestra, has never seen that many pianos on one stage—anywhere…. Proceeds from ticket sales benefit the orchestra’s youth and family programming efforts that reach more than 40,000 children in Southern Arizona, providing music education and interaction between kids as young as toddlers through high school … ‘This is about the future, about building audiences and essentially getting young people exposed to creativity as soon as possible,’ said Fan … The idea for Piano Bash came from TSO President and CEO Mark Blakeman, who’s made it his mission during his three years here to bring younger audiences into Music Hall.… Fan said the Piano Bash is a way to celebrate the orchestra’s 88th year; the piano, after all, has 88 keys, she joked, one for every TSO year.”
Posted March 24, 2017