“On Wednesday, June 5,” Kelly Tweeddale, president of Canada’s Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, “was named the new executive director of the San Francisco Ballet,” writes Sam Whiting in Wednesday’s (6/5) San Francisco Chronicle. “A veteran performing arts administrator who has run opera and symphony companies in Seattle and Vancouver, British Columbia, Tweeddale will replace Glenn McCoy who plans to retire at the end of June after 31 years with the company. Tweeddale’s first day is Sept. 3. ‘My life’s dream of working for one of the finest ballet companies in the world has finally come true,’ Tweeddale, 59, said by phone from … the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, where she has served as president for the last four years…. She studied dance while growing up in Spokane, Wash., and through her undergraduate years at the University of Washington. But Tweeddale was also an engineering major … Her first job out of school was as advertising manager for the Seattle Symphony. Then she became director of marketing and communications for the Cleveland Orchestra … She later returned to the Seattle Opera, where she made the unusual leap from marketing director to executive director.… Though Tweeddale has never worked for a ballet company, she believes the task ahead is essentially the same as for opera and symphony.”

Posted June 10, 2019