As the arts sector continues to navigate the pandemic and the road ahead, how can organizations respond to what diverse communities need most? On Wednesday, February 17 at 1:00 p.m. ET, the Wallace Foundation will present Centering the Picture: The Role of Race & Ethnicity in Cultural Engagement in the U.S., a special edition of Culture Track by Slover Linett Audience Research. The event, based on research supported by the Wallace Foundation, is the latest session in Wallace’s Reimagining the Future of the Arts virtual conversation series. Focusing on the perspectives of communities of color, the new Centering the Picture study examines what audiences want from the arts sector right now; how cultural organizations can adapt to be more responsive; and what we can learn from digital engagement of these audiences during the prolonged closures due to COVID-19. Slover Linett Project Director Madeline Smith will share key findings from the study, followed by a discussion among Anna Glass, executive director, Dance Theatre of Harlem; Josephine Ramirez, executive vice president, the Music Center (Los Angeles); and Nancy Yao Maasbach, president, Museum of Chinese in America. Registration is free. Learn more here.
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