In Monday’s (2/28) News and Sentinel (Parkersburg, West Virginia), Jeffrey Saulton writes, “Bowling and the symphony came together Saturday at the West Virginia Symphony League-Parkersburg’s Strike Out for Music fundraiser at Emerson Lanes. Becky Deem, president of the symphony league, said 65 people attended the event, the first of its kind for the local organization. Deem said the event was to raise funds for the West Virginia Symphony to continue its music education programs in Wood and Washington county schools. … Deem said 26 of the 46 lanes at Emerson Lanes were reserved for the symphony league on Saturday night. … Formed in 2004, the symphony league assists the West Virginia Symphony Orchestra-Parkersburg Board of Directors by organizing fundraising events and planning social programs to publicize and support the West Virginia Symphony Orchestra.”
Posted March 1, 2011