The Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra. Photo by Keith Levit.
In Tuesday’s (9/10) CBC News (Canada), an unsigned article states, “The Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra says it’s in ‘the eye of the storm’ after announcing a $1.3 million deficit for the 2022-23 season. The organization had its annual board meeting last week where the deficit was announced, but because of the board’s decision to set aside a COVID stabilization reserve fund, it was offset. However, with government-funded support funds from the pandemic over and attendance not all the way back to normal, the WSO is asking for help from the public and government … WSO executive director Angela Birdsell said … ‘All of the data was showing that for performing arts, large organizations in particular that rely heavily on ticket sales, we seem to be the worst impacted by the pandemic, the recovery road’s a lot longer.’… The WSO said the 2022-23 season was its first where concerts were held without restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And while audiences returned to 67 per cent of pre-pandemic numbers, there was still about a $1 million drop in ticket revenues … Additionally, government COVID-related support programs worth $2.1 million in the 2021-22 season all ended.”