Hassan Anderson with students at the Wetherby-Pembridge School, New York. Photo by Joey Severini.
The orchestra field has a unique role in helping young people realize their creative potential. Staff, musicians, and educators inspire youth to develop lifelong connections to music as audience members, as supporters, and in their future careers. When done with intention and expertise, this work has positive impacts on the wellbeing of individuals, orchestras, and communities. On Thursday, April 11, the League of American Orchestras will present “Activating Artistry to Improve Youth Outcomes,” a 2½-hour interactive session in which teaching artists Eric Booth and Hassan Anderson will share their experience in successful creative youth development through quality teaching artistry. Participants will learn and grow the skills and mindset needed to meet youth where they are and support them in leading artful lives, and will acquire the tools to help improve an orchestra’s work with youth. Hassan Anderson is assistant professor of oboe and coordinator of teaching artistry, University of South Carolina School of Music, and Eric Booth is founder, consultant, author, teaching artist, International Teaching Artist Collaborative (ITAC).
The content of this digital workshop was developed by Eric Booth, Hassan Anderson, and the League of American Orchestras.
“Activating Artistry to Improve Youth Outcomes” takes place on Thursday, April 11 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern/11:00 a.m. Pacific. Learn more and register here. Questions? Please contact League Member Services at member@americanorchestras.org.