The League’s newly announced Student Leadership Council: left to right, top row: Lorin Green, Julia Jacobsen, and William Ryan; bottom row: Max Stephenson and Lauren Zwonik.

The League of American Orchestras has formed a Student Leadership Council, the first in the organization’s 81 years, to provide a platform for the League to better integrate the voices of young people into its work and support the growth of student engagement in the orchestra field. The new Council is part of a renewed commitment to grow participation by young people and incorporate their ideas into the League’s work, as outlined in the League’s Strategic Framework 2023-2026. Five high school, college, and graduate students from across the country—Lorin Green, Julia Jacobsen, William Ryan, Max Stephenson, and Lauren Zwonik—have been selected to serve on the 2023-24 Student Leadership Council. The students will participate in quarterly council meetings and take on leadership roles in several areas. For the League’s Student Constituency, they will assume responsibility for membership growth, benefits, surveys, and engagement on the League’s communications platform League360; and for student marketing and recruitment, including for the League’s 2024 National Conference in Houston. They will advocate for increased visibility of youth voice and perspective by the League; serve as ambassadors in League academic and orchestral partnership expansion; collaborate with the League in building inclusive pathways for a new generation of diverse and creative professionals to enter the orchestra field and flourish as leaders. And they will promote a thriving future for orchestras. Learn more at